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Wie geht es weiter an und auf der B 99?


Nachdem die Einwohner von Hirschfelde, Ostritz und Leuba bei zwei Demonstrationen am 18.03.2016 und am 29.04.2016 eindrucksvoll ihren Unwillen über die Verkehrssituation zum Ausdruck brachten, haben Landkreis, Lasuv und der Freistaat entsprechend reagiert.

So wurde die Steinbachbrücke zwischen Ostritz und dem Ortsteil Leuba auf eine Tonnage von 20 t begrenzt, so dass die Vielzahl der ausländischen 40 t LKW nicht mehr fahren dürfen. Allerdings ist festzustellen, dass in der Zwischenzeit wieder eine Zunahme des Transitverkehrs erfolgt ist. Nach eigenen Erfassungen waren bis zur Brückenbegrenzung auf 20 t täglich zwischen 800 und 900 LKW auf der B 99 unterwegs. Nach der Begrenzung sank die Zahl deutlich unter 300 LKW.

Natürlich ist dieses Ergebnis auf die große Zahl der Teilnehmer an den Demonstrationen und die Berichterstattung in Zeitungen, dem MDR, Radio Lausitz, privaten Regionalsendern etc., zu verdanken. Von den Organisatoren der Proteste wurde insbesondere positiv aufgenommen, dass es überhaupt keine Zwischenfälle durch Krawalle oder ähnliches gab. So wurde die erste Demo am 18.03.2016 genutzt, um Unterschriften für eine Petition beim Sächsischen Landtag zu sammeln. Etwa 1000 Unterschriften konnten registriert werden.

Dank gilt auch den Politikern Franziska Schubert, Stephan Kühn und Thomas Pilz von Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen, die uns in Vorbereitung der Aktionen hilfreich unterstützten.

Nun sind nach letzten Kundgebung auf der B 99 etwa 3 Monate vergangen und man kann über die Verkehrsentwicklung nur mit Einschränkungen zufrieden sein. So werden immer häufiger vorsätzliche Missachtungen der Begrenzung festgestellt, da kaum wirkungsvolle Kontrollen erfolgen. Werden durch das BAG und die Polizei Tonnagemessungen im Ostritzer Gewerbegebiet vorgenommen, kommt kaum noch ein LKW aus Richtung Görlitz oder Zittau. Per Funk warnen sich die Fahrer der LKW und wie von Geisterhand gelenkt, fahren die überwiegend polnischen und tschechischen LKW andere Routen. Unser Tipp: Kontrolle der Fahrtenschreiber und sofort werden Überschreitungen der Geschwindigkeiten sichtbar und könnten sofort geahndet werden, oder wenigstens öfters eine sichtbare Kontrolle an der B 99. Dann Anhalten und Umkehren lassen betroffener LKW an geeigneten oder ungeeigneten Stellen. Nachzudenken wäre auch darüber, die Begrenzung der Steinbachbrücke auf 16 t zu senken. Dann wären alle Hintertürchen für ausländische Transitlaster fast geschlossen. Die Polen machen uns das ja schon fas 18 Monate vor. Bogatynia und damit der Transitverkehr, ist mit zulässigen 12 t nahezu LKW frei.

Dear friends! 

The year 2014 is slowly coming  to an end. I wish all of you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 


News about the „Berzdorfer See“ near Görlitz

Now it is there, the late summer or better said the German autumn. When I ride my bike early morning around the shore of the 2.373.200 acre lake, foggy and rainy days are coming to bee normal now. Across the lake, powerful winds from south-west hamper you a bit while riding the bike back home and you always are glad to change the direction and getting the blows from behind you. But leafs are still green and only slowly, autumn (fall) is getting them yellow and red. But that won’t take very long and the soft hills surrounding the area will be in fire.

 After a very nice summer, which was bringing us hot temperatures from the early July through late August, September days are a just bit more rainy and misty. Temperatures dropped from 25 degrees of Celsius to 12 degrees in the second week of that month.

Well, that is normal for this time and season. Mushrooms are growing in bigger pieces now. In the meantime, the authorities have finished the most of the surrounding ways by the sea. At the north-east section is a street got completed by asphalt and so you almost can drive around the lake on well prepared ways for cyclists, roller skater and hiker. At the last summer weekends, crowds of visitors were there, many of them from Poland and the near Czech Republic. Around the lake there are sufficient parking lots and so for the guests is enough space to park their cars. The north-western part of the sea is going to stay a preserve for birds and seldom plants like orchids (Knabenkraut, Dactylorhiza majalis) and other ones. I visit the area of the sea for about 4 years now and slowly the former open coal mine is coming back to life. But in another way, in former days where there is water now, fields and meadows were used by farmers. The progressing coal mine leaded to the abandonment of the village Berzdorf and in the late eighties of the last century the little village of Deutsch-Ossig was broken down in parts. The church of this village has vanished and only some buildings at the edge of the sea are still there. The buildings are waiting for restoration and new life. I hope there will be soon a new life with houses, hotels and restaurants.

With the fall coming, you can see a lot of waterfowl now. Great crested grebe, grey herons, all kind of ducks like mallards, tufted ducks and common goldeneye are now here. And, of course, birds of prey like kestrels, buzzards and the king of all, the white-tailed eagle.

In the last years, the number of birds has been growing a lot and, especially in fall the amount of birds is enormous. Because the sea level is now completed, slowly reed and some other tall sea grass are growing at the edge of the shore. So, for waterfowl the right place for building nests and growing their young. The same is with all kinds of fish. Fishing is going to be possible next year.



A visit of friends of mine from Johnstown, PA


On the 20th of August 2014 my pen pale Maynard with his wife Jill visited Görlitz and my hometown Ostritz.

Early in the morning of the 20th of August we picked Maynard and Jill up in the hotel “Frenzelshof”

in Görlitz. The hotel is located in the old town of Görlitz and was a former “Hallenhaus” typical for the homes of fabric merchants in the middle ages in Görlitz. Today, many of these old homes are renovated and used for apartments, hotels and stores in the ground floor.

After a small talk about the travel to and in Germany we visited parts of the old Görlitz like the Peters Kirche, the Waidhaus, and some old pubs near the Untermarkt. With my car that I had parked near the hotel of Maynard and Jill, we drove through parts of Görlitz and went to my hometown Ostritz.

Because of the beautiful weather, we had lunch under the chestnut trees of the “Klosterschänke” and enjoyed the meal and the amazing surrounding.

A guidance through the convent of St. Marienthal was very interesting for our friends. After an hour and a half we had a cup of coffee and some cake in my home. Because of the late afternoon, we left Ostritz and I showed them around at parts of the lakeke Berzdorf.

For me and my wife it was a great day. I hope, my friends enjoyed their staying in Görlitz and we are looking forwards to hearing something of them soon.




September 2014





Biking and no end…………..

The year 2014 is going to be a good one for my biking results. At the end of April 2014 I did 2,600 km. Through January to April it was almost daily possible to ride the bike because the winter in Germany was without snow and temperatures were not too low.

In my area biking is more and more a favorite hobby of the people. Around the “Berzdorfer See” lots of them are underway with all kind of bikes and roller scates. Because Poland and CSR are near to the lake the number of Polish and Czech people is increasing.

But the development of catering for people doesn’t keep pace with the increasing number of tourists. If you drive the 17 km around the lake, you only can find two possibilities to get a coffee, beer and a hot dog.

The administration of the town Goerlitz seems to be unable to start projects in order to improve that situation. I’m not able understanding the lack of ability of the town Goerlitz. Maybe you could call for private investors but perhaps there aren’t any wanted. Don’t ask me why, but that seems to be the secret of the administration and the mayor.

After almost 5 years of biking around the lake I can say I know the area very well and year after year the facilities like beaches, biking lanes and walking path are in very good conditions. At the weekends there are the places crowded with people and it isn’t easy to come around with your bike. Therefore I’m on my way very early and enjoy the silence and the twitter of birds.



Ostritz, April 2014



News about the whaling and from Sea Shepherd 

On March 31st, in 2014, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled that the Japanese whaling operations in the Antarctic are not for scientific research purposes and revoked the whalers' permits! A significant victory for the whales!

When Sea Shepherd began the Antarctic campaign in 2002, Japanese whaling in the Southern Ocean was virtually unknown. Patiently, Sea Shepherd ships were taken into the most hostile, remote seas in the world, year after year, to intervene against the killing of the whales and each year it became more successful.

"We have experienced a historic turning point in the conservation and protection of whales. The largest whale hunt in the world was just shut down by the highest court on the planet! It is a good time to be a Sea Shepherd! Our activism is a labor of love. The hours are long, and the work is hard, but the fulfillment is unprecedented", Sea Shepherd statet in an e-mail to his friends, supporters and members.


Ostritz, April 2014




News about the „Berzdorfer See“ near Görlitz


Now it is here, the late summer or better said the German autumn. When I ride my bike early morning around the shore of the 2.371 acre lake, foggy and rainy days are coming to be normal now. Across the lake, powerful winds from south-west hamper you a bit while riding the bike back home and you always are glad to change the direction and getting the gusts from behind you. But leaves are still green and only slowly, autumn (fall) is getting them yellow and red. But that won’t take very long and the soft hills surrounding the area will be in fire.After a very nice summer, which was bringing us hot temperatures from the early July through late August, September days are just a bit more rainy and misty. Temperatures dropped from 25 degrees of Celsius to 12 degrees in the second week of that month. Well, that is normal for this time and season and mushrooms are growing in bigger numbers now.

In the meantime, the authorities have finished the most of the surrounding trails by the water. At the north-east section a street has been completed paved with asphalt and so you almost can drive around the lake on well prepared paths for cyclists, roller skaters and hikers. At the summer weekends, crowds of visitors were there, many of them from Poland and  nearby Czech Republic. Around the lake there are sufficient parking lots and so for the guests is enough space to park their cars. The north-western part of the lake is going to stay a preserve for birds and rare plants like orchids (Knabenkraut, Dactylorhiza majalis) and other ones. I have been visiting the area of the lake for about 4 years now and slowly the former open coal mine is coming back to life. But in another way, in former days where there is water now, fields and meadows were used by farmers. The progressing coal mine led to the abandonment of the village Berzdorf and in the late eighties of the last century the little village of Deutsch-Ossig was mostly dismantled. The church of this village has vanished and only some buildings at the edge of the lake are still there. The buildings are waiting for restoration and new life. I hope there will be soon a new life with houses, hotels and restaurants.

 With the fall coming, you can see a lot of waterfowl now. Great crested grebe, grey herons, all kind of ducks like mallards, tufted ducks and common goldeneye are now here. And, of course, birds of prey like kestrels, buzzards and the king of all, the white-tailed eagle. In recent years, the number of birds has been growing a lot and, especially in fall the amount of birds is enormous. Because the sea level is now completed, slowly reeds and some other tall sea grass are growing at the edge of the shore. So, for waterfowl the right place for building nests and growing their young. The same is true for all kinds of fish. Fishing is going to be possible next year.






 Ostritz, September 2013